The Newbury Photography Club 2024 Print Exhibition will be opening on Saturday September 7th at Greenham Common Control Tower, Burys Bank Road, Newbury,
RG19 8BZ.

The Club will be exhibiting 40 framed prints from 21 members covering a variety of interests, themes and expertise and this year we are proud to have some award-winning prints on display. The exhibition runs until October 6th (and maybe later) and is open Wednesday to Friday from10.30am to 3.30pm and Saturday and Sunday 10am to 4pm.
The Club has a strong programme of talks and presentations on many aspects of photography by leading professional and amateur photographers. Encouragement is given to those wishing to exhibit their skills in friendly competitions between members and between other clubs: advice is freely given, and problems shared. The club is an active member of the Southern Counties Photographic Federation, and we enter competitions with other clubs in the Federation and the Federation’s annual exhibition. The Club organises special interest groups, practical workshops, discussions, visits to interesting locations and social events during the year. We pride ourselves in catering for all standards of photography, and in helping members to learn and to get the most enjoyment from their photography.
For the past 24 years, Photography Club members have provided images for the Newbury Cancer Care Calendars, sales of which have raised over £50,000 for the Charity.
Our Club meetings are held every Thursday from 7pm for 7.30pm start at The Phoenix Resource Centre, 212 Newtown Road, Newbury. RG14 7EB.
The full Programme is available on our Website at
Follow us on: : and Instagram: @newburyphotoclub.